"Big Guy" wooden platter

fire cone

Platter with Green center

red gold

Platter with red rim and blue center

hollywood farmers market

Platter with deep blue center and patterned wood frame

tom’s party

"Big Guy" wooden platter

swampy green

Platter with Green center

drinkies red/blue

Platter with red rim and blue center

drinkies red/green

Platter with deep blue center and patterned wood frame


"Big Guy" wooden platter

color cylinder

Platter with Green center

cloud in a bottle

Platter with red rim and blue center

green leopard

Platter with deep blue center and patterned wood frame

forget me knot

"Big Guy" wooden platter

chevron sky

Platter with Green center

orange angle

Platter with red rim and blue center

blue cloud ball

Platter with deep blue center and patterned wood frame

green cloud dish

"Big Guy" wooden platter

glow bowl

Platter with Green center

blue/red polyp

Platter with red rim and blue center


Platter with deep blue center and patterned wood frame

color dish

"Big Guy" wooden platter


Platter with Green center

steamy swamp II

Platter with red rim and blue center


Platter with deep blue center and patterned wood frame


"Big Guy" wooden platter


Platter with Green center


Platter with red rim and blue center


Platter with deep blue center and patterned wood frame


"Big Guy" wooden platter


Platter with Green center

white #5

Platter with red rim and blue center

white #12

Platter with deep blue center and patterned wood frame

white #17

"Big Guy" wooden platter

white #9

Platter with Green center
